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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Angelic Energy Forecast for April 2013

This month we would like to remind you to engage the beauty of life.  Too many of you have lost yourself in difficulty, in the need for ascension, and even the desire to heal.  One of the most effective ways to heal is by noticing life’s daily miracles.  We are not denying that your human-ness creates struggle, however, it also allows for you to see the other side of the coin.  Get outside and connect with nature.  We’ve been encouraging Robin to do this by engaging the help of the fairies.  They’ve been all around her and they have helped her to remain connected even through the cold dreary days.  We’ve also engaged the help of Mother Mary.  Mother Mary is a compassionate and loving being who is always able to see the beauty in life during difficult times.  Connect with her energy and allow it to transport you to gentleness, ease, and beauty.  Connecting with the fairies and Mother Mary will give you the support you require for your journey this month. 

You are constantly being asked to be more authentic, open, and vulnerable.  This is absolutely necessary for the current times and as you move into the future energies.  People recognize inauthenticity in others whether they understand that’s what it is or not. You will notice the more open and honest you are with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, the more people will want to be around you.  For those of you who are not particularly fond of being around people, don’t let this scare you.  You can still choose to be around only a select few, but you will discover that it’s easier to find the people who harmonize with the truth of who you are instead of those who annoy you.

Back to the beauty of life….let yourself enjoy the clouds, the wind, and even the rain.  Let yourself see and embrace the silver linings through your confusion and challenges.  Spend some time laughing at how much your plans always seem to go awry.  You humans love your plans and rather than enjoying and acknowledging the gifts of skewed plans, you get uptight, upset, and angry.  Let go and Let God (or the Angels or whatever you call your Divinity).  Give yourself some breathing space…and notice all the beauty that you’ve been missing.  You can take a break.  You do not need to work so hard.  Life will happen no matter what you do and while you can plan for the future, it changes moment by moment based on your actions and your thoughts.  Plan for the future, but be open to the possibilities.  That’s how you allow the beauty to show up.

Breathe in the beauty.  Be kind to yourself.  Play with the fairies, puppies, kittens, etc.  Invite Mother Mary in to bless you and have FUN!  We are here for you if you need us.  All you have to do is ask for our help.  We love you always, in all ways.

With infinite love and joy,

~The Angels~


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