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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Daily Angelic Message for 12/18/13

Every once in while, the angels speak through me in a big way.  There have been several times when  just after meditating, I sat down to furiously write some thought that exploded into my head.  I never quite know what to do with these thoughts, they don’t seem right for video and they never felt right for audio, so I’d thought I’d share them with you in the way they came to me…through writing.  

I was actually meditating on my business today when the following came through.  I was asking to be downloaded with some new programs to put together and marketing ideas…instead, I got this.  I don’t know who this is for, but I wasn’t gifted with the ability to channel the angels to selfishly hold their words to myself.  It’s a bit long, take what resonates and leave the rest.

Much love and abundant blessings,
You lose faith becayoue you have your eyes on one possible outcome when actually there are an infinite number of possible outcomes available at any given moment.

Spirit/God/Universe/The Angels….they always have a bigger vision for you than you do.

Constant focus on service (not servitude) helps you to achieve these visions.

When stuff happens…and it always does…it’s becomes your fuel for stepping deeper into yourselves—to discover the parts of you that you didn’t know existed….both your strengths and your wounds.

It gives you an opportunity to share your strengths and heal your wounds.  It reminds you that you are not the only person on the planet. 

When you experience a tragedy, let’s use a worst case scenario, if you experience the loss of a loved one…it’s very difficult to remember much less see that there are gifts in the situation. They may not become apparent for years…and you may never recognize them in your lifetime.  That doesn’t mean the gifts aren’t there. 

It’s also necessary to remember in this scenario, and in every other life experience, your soul knows what the bigger plan is and it knows what the gifts are.  The same is true of the Universe, God, The Angels…it’s just that the human part of you hasn’t caught up.

Life will move on whether you want it to or not.  You’ll be given choices where you can choose to walk in faith or to walk in fear, anger, and despair.

The choice is always yours.

When you walk in faith, you ground it in and make it a certainty through your actions.  Each action you take, affirms and solidifies your level of faith.

Your daily life goal is to be of loving service to yourself, to God (or whatever name you apply to the Higher Power), and to others.

You will make choices that sometimes feel like sacrifices, but when you make a choice from love, service, gratitude, and faith, the sacrifice will make room for greater gifts to show up…IF YOU LET THEM. 

The gifts will show up and it’s your choice as to whether you are going to accept them or not.

Living in faith, walking in faith…is knowing everything will work out in the way it was designed to WITHOUT being able to see more than the step that is right in front of you…if you can even see that step at all.  It’s knowing things won’t always work out the way your mind wants them to, yet knowing that the most benevolent outcome will show up eventually.

When a monkey wrench gets thrown into your plans and things don’t work out the way you want them to, you often get angry, upset, or mad.  You have regrets and resentments…you play the same tape over and over in your heads. You keep seeing the outcome you envisioned—when in reality, you don’t know if that would have been the way things actually turned out.  You don’t know if your life would have really turned out for the better or not…Yet, you end up mourning a vision or a dream.  And that blinds you to the gifts and the beauty that HAS shown up for you.  And you miss the steps you could have taken to achieve your dream in a different way…or you miss the new dream that showed up. 

Grieve the loss of what actually was, not what you believe it would have been.

Having faith is having a goal and working towards while allowing yourself to remain open to all the other possibilities that may present themselves.

Life is too short to mourn broken dreams, especially when you don’t really know if they’re broken, happening slower than you expected, or showing up as something way bigger than you ever could have imagined.

Having faith isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

Dream Big, Have Faith.

With infinite love and joy,
~The Angels~

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