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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

What Do You Choose?

Today, I sit here in the space of uncomfortable,
in the space of “Who do you think you are?”

I hear the voice in my head saying that no one will
listen to me.  Who wants to hear a fat girl/an obese
woman teach men and women how to be and feel sexy?

The voice constantly reminds me that I haven’t reached
my financial targets….and it loves to remind me that I
haven’t even come close.

The voice laughs as I stare at my face in the mirror and
notice that it’s breaking out again and asks how
that could be sexy?

The voice asks me how can I possibly believe that given my
outward circumstances that I could possibly be sexy, much less
teach sexy?

I’m grateful for that voice because it continually affords
me the option of choice.  I get to continually choose
to be sexy, feel sexy, feed my sexy, and nurture my sexy.
Or not….

To that voice, I say:

My life may not be all puppy dogs and unicorn farts, but I
am indeed sexy.

Even though, I may not be skinny and I may not have a lot of money, I
am indeed sexy.

I may have to dig under layers and layers of lies and judgments,
but I know who I am on the inside and I am indeed sexy.

I have watched men and women blossom as I’ve guided them
to find their sexy selves.

I’ve watched as some of them who were so locked up they weren’t
able to orgasm, discover their joy, their happiness, their truth,
and their orgasms.

I have created a life for myself where regardless of the way I look
on the outside, I have an amazing partner, a career that I love,
AND a freaking amazing sex life.

So little gremlins in my head, I thank you for being here so that
I can continually be aware that I have the option to choose, but
it’s time for you to shut the f**k up, because

What do you choose?

There’s still time to sign up for tonight’s free google hangout.
Just go to:

Much love and abundant blessings,


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