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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Questioning The Process

I was speaking to a friend and laughing about one of my processes (processies? Lol).   I was describing what I had gone through that morning to find the message the angels and the Universe wanted me to write that day.  There are mornings when I wake up and I just know what I’m to share.  Other days it takes some time in meditation.  Then, there are days like today when I’m completely blank.  It’s on these days that I pull out my Oracle cards in order to best hear what the angels are trying to say.

When I tell stories in person, I’m pretty detailed, and reveal the inner workings of my mind. (yikes)  People outside my circle don’t usually see this and to them, it often looks like things come through smooth and easy.  Well, they do, mostly.  However, I have a habit of complicating things.  It’s part of my process.  So let me walk you through today’s process…and hopefully give you a chuckle.

Okay, so today was Oracle card day.  I grabbed the first deck that jumped out at me with the intention of pulling a card, posting the message, and crediting the creator of the deck.  Nope…not happening.  I heard a second deck “calling” my name, so after much grumbling pulled that one too.  Just as I was going to walk away, deck number three decided to create a fuss.  “Oh man, you too”? I whined.  I knew that meant either a jumbled message, or I was going to be creating my own based on the combination of cards.  Ugh, I Ihaven’t had my coffee yet…more grumbling.  For the record, I do like posting in morning.  The grumbling  is part of my process.

Card #1 was from Doreen Virtue’s Daily Guidance from Your Angels deck.  It was the Cupid card and talked about love and romance.  At this point my only thought was “Oy, love I get, but romance?  What?”

Card #2 was from Angels, Gods, & Goddesses by Toni Carmine Salerno.  I pulled the Angel of Addiction Healing.  So now the thought process is “What the heck does this have to do with anything”?   Further reading resulted in the words “positive transformation” popping out.  “Hmmm”, I thought, “maybe I can find a way for this to make sense”.  With a lot of sighing and more grumbling about how this was supposed to be easy, I went for the third card.

Card #3 came from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Hidden Realms deck and it was the Fire Prince.  The main message of that card is optimism.  Here we go with the grumbling…….  I was not going to write something trite like….’remain optimistic and you’ll find your true love’.  I mean really, who wants to hear that one again?  Then I recalled the word “fire” and it all came together.

The message I created as a result of these three seemingly unrelated cards was:

If you’re looking to make a positive change in your life, begin by believing that you can. Surrender your worries about the ‘hows’ to the angels and stoke the fires of manifestation by falling in love with yourself. Loving yourself for who you are in this moment, opens doors you never knew existed and allows for more beauty and love to enter your life.

Believe me, I’ve downplayed the process some, but I think you get the idea.  The point of my writing this out for you is to remind you that it’s okay to go through your process, but not to ignore the messages you receive.  They don’t always make sense at first…just like this one didn’t to me.  My process allows my ego mind (or monkey brain) to run and play while my subconscious sorts out the information.  The minute a concept that is completely different from the one my ego is playing with enters my consciousness, I know I’ve ‘heard’ what I’m to communicate for the day.

Try that one yourself.  Let your monkey mind bounce around an idea and scoff at the obvious.  The minute you hear, feel, or see a thought that takes the concept in a completely different direction, run with it.  Act on it.  Even if it’s not totally ‘right’, I bet it will guide you closer to what’s in your highest and best good.  Happy processing!

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