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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

How Well-Meaning People Create Your Emotional Demons

Emotional Demons….

What are they?

They’re those little voices in your head that tell you you’re not good enough.

You’re not ready to go pro.

You’ll never make it as an artist.Abstract 014 (2)

You’re never going to meet the right man (or woman).

They’re those voices that boss you around and cause you to say, “It’s not going to work.  Why bother?”

But those voices aren’t real.  They’re a compilation of experiences and things you were told by others (teachers, parents, the media etc) to keep you small and to keep you from trying too hard.  Sometimes they’re spoken in malice, but not always.  Sometimes they are meant to keep you safe.

Safe from what?  Falling.  Failing.  Getting hurt.  But what the well-meaning people who have tried so hard to convince you not to try don’t know, is the pain from never having tried, the pain from keeping your vision locked up inside is deeper and more hurtful than the pain of trying and failing ever will be.

And I really wish I could tell you that if you want something bad enough and if you try hard enough and if you’re good enough at it, you will succeed…but I can’t do that.  I don’t know you, I don’t know how resilient you are, I don’t know what resources you have available or how strong your faith is. There’s a ton of stuff that I don’t know about you that factors into the possibility and probability of your success and happiness.

But what I do know for sure is that if you never ever try, you will go to your grave with regret on your heart.  Is that really your vision for your life? There’s no shame in it if it is…but be honest with yourself so you stop beating yourself up.

And if that’s not the vision for your life, what action are you going to take right now towards your dreams?

And those emotional demons, taking action may or may not slay them, but the more action you take, the less power they’ll have over you.

If you need help with getting past your emotional demons, click her to book your complimentary Slayer session and let’s see how I can help you so you don’t have to do it alone.

Much love and abundant blessings,


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