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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Angelic Forecast for October 2012

Greetings, sweet ones.  We are here to share with you the energies for your October 2012.  We know you will be happy to hear that this month many of you will reap your rewards.  You’ve been working very hard and it will pay off in both financial abundance and personal transformation.  We understand the trials and tribulations that the human fear-based ego creates, but those of you who have overcome it and pushed forward regardless of its nay-saying attitude will experience the benefits. For those of you who haven’t reached that stage yet, you have more work to do.  When all else fails, take the time to nurture and love yourself.  Treat yourself as you would a young child who is learning to walk.  You don’t scold a newly walking child when he falls.  Instead, you pick him up, give him a hug, and help him to get his balance while standing on his own two feet.  AND you encourage and applaud his efforts!   That’s what you are doing right now.  Learning how to walk….again.

As far as planetary and societal changes go, things will remain pretty much the same.  Both are in a bit of chaos as they each go through their shifts.  New and different weather patterns will continue which actually makes sense.  On an energetic level, things are not like they used to be and this new higher vibration continually stirs up the old to be released.  Cleansing and clearing for the new….weather events are one of the ways in which your planet achieves this.

People who hold some sort of authority and who are out of integrity are going to continue to fight harder to hold onto the old ways, however, the new paradigm will not allow it.  Please understand though, these changes will not take place over night.  It may take years before a new financial and governmental structure is in place.  Of course, it doesn’t have to take years, but based on the energy we see at this moment, this is most likely outcome.  However, you have the power to change that.

Please do not be afraid to ask for help during these times of change.  We ask you to hold the space of love and not be tempted to go into the energy and habit of fear.  We also ask you to please be aware and conscious of your energy.  There is a lot of fear and anger in the world right now and if you are tapped into it, you will take it on.  When you are feeling ‘off’, check in with yourself and ask if what you are feeling is yours.  Chances are it’s not.  Send us the energy and we will return it to its rightful owner with love attached.  When all else fails, connect to nature in some way.  Nature doesn’t judge, nature just is.

Remember, you are not here by accident.  Your soul has chosen to be a contribution to the earth and to these energies.  Regardless of who you are, what you are doing, and how you are being, you are contributing in some manner.  Embrace the experience and live as the highest version of you that you can be moment by moment.

We send you peace, we send you love, we send you joy, we send you magic and miracles.

With Infinite Love and Joy,

~The Angels~



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