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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Angelic Energy Forecast December 2012

This is a month of energetic portals beginning with December 1.  These portals or doorways are opening things up to allow the newer higher vibrations to build and come forth.  By higher vibrations, we mean more energy that vibrates at the level of love.  Simply put, every time you reach a portal and energy comes through, more love is coming through.  It doesn’t all feel like love to you, however.  That’s because love heals…and in order for things to be healed, they must be experienced.  If you ignore an emotion and bury it, you forget about it consciously.  Forgetting about it consciously does not mean the emotion has been dealt with.  When it’s not dealt with, it grows…sort of like a virus or a cancer. Love vibrates at such a high frequency and so quickly it works like an ultrasound machine.  Whatever is heavier and denser than love gets shaken up so that it can come to the surface and eventually dissolve and heal.

The goal of this energy and these times is to remember who you are.  We are helping you to remember the Truth of who you are and see yourself as we do from the highest light.  You have incarnated this time and every other time you’ve chosen a physical body to experience the physical world while remembering who you are at the core.  Who are you at the core?  You are Divine Love.  Each and every one of you is Divine Love.  Choosing to re-learn and re-member that while living in a physical world in a physical body with perceived limitations is not an easy job.  We commend you for choosing it.

It’s no coincidence that these portals are occurring during the month of December.  There are many holy days in many cultures this month.  It doesn’t matter what you call them for each one is equally has holy.  They also represent a time of coming together for purposes of love and peace.  We also see how much of this has been lost over the years.  Families don’t get along, financial pressures abound, and religions and cultures fight in the name of the Divine.  It’s most certainly an appropriate time to bring in more love and we know you agree.

We wish to remind you that while there are three major waves of love pouring through this month, you and your planet have been getting infused with this energy daily for years.  Humanity has been asking for more love year after year…and this is the year that it will build to a crescendo.  The more humans who choose to hold onto this higher vibration, the higher it will remain once the influx of energy settles.  We also would like you to know, that the energy and vibration of love will continue to be downloaded to you and your planet for many, many years to come.  There will be more times where a huge influx is downloaded like now, and times where there will be less.

December 12 will usher in a great inflow of love and another will arrive on December 21.  The best way to deal with these energies is to remain present and grounded.  Experience each moment as it arrives and breathe.  You may feel anxiety or rushes of adrenaline.  You may feel especially tired or on edge.  The effects are only temporary and are your body’s way of dealing with and integrating the higher levels and greater quantities of energy.

For many of you, it will take about three months for the energies to fully integrate and for you to master operating with higher amounts of love in your body.  Please do not fear the changes love requires of you.  You have asked for these changes and your ego does not always like change.  New adventures await…view them from a space of curiosity and it will make change and transformation easier for you.

You have the energy and strength to receive to this.  Do your best to let go of resistance and receive the miracles.  We are here by your side.  We are here to support you.  We never leave you even when you turn away from us.  Ask us for our help, for we cannot help you unless you ask.

We love you always in all ways.  Enjoy this phase of your growth and transformation.  We can’t wait until you see YOU the way we see you.

With Infinite Love and Joy,

~The Angels~

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