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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

You, Loving You

February is the month of romance!  Whoo Hoo!  Easy for me to say.  I’m in a relationship with a fun and supportive guy who comes with the requisite burping and farting.  But what if you’re single?  Or even worse, in a lousy relationship?  What do you do then?  The answer is the same regardless of your relationship status.  You begin by loving you.

Okay, so how you do you accomplish that?  One way is to start treating yourself in the same way you want to be treated.  We’re told to do unto others as we’d like others to do unto us.  This holds true for our relationship with ourselves.  You can’t expect to be respected if you don’t respect you.  Oh yes, there will be a handful (or less) of people who treat you with respect, but for the most part, that’s not the type of person you will attract into your life.  Begin by giving yourself a break.  Remember that there will be times when you make mistakes.  Mistakes are simply another way of learning what NOT to do.  Don’t beat yourself up because you think you’ve done something “wrong”.  Accept that it may not be the most effective way of doing things.  That’s all it is.  Negative self talk will get you every time.  It will lower your energetic vibration and just plain make you feel bad.  If you speak poorly to yourself, you are that energy.  Therefore, you will attract a larger number of people (including romantic partners) who speak poorly to you.  AND…if they speak to you poorly, they are most likely going to treat you like crap.  No one deserves to be treated like crap.  Especially not you!

Next….let’s say you want to be romanced but you either don’t have a partner or he/she is not the romantic type.  That doesn’t mean you’re doomed to live a life without romance.  There’s romance all around you.  It’s in the beauty of the trees, animals, clouds, and animals.  It’s in the beauty of architecture or the smile on a child’s face.  Once you recognize that beauty, you’ll be able to feel the romance.  You can also romance yourself.  Buy flowers just for you, just because.  Buy pretty lingerie or silky pajamas.  I love (insert sarcastic facial expression here) when I hear women say they don’t bother buying pretty lingerie because no one will see it.  If you’re wearing it, aren’t you going to see it?  Are you calling yourself a “no one”?  Note: remarks like relate back to you not respecting you.

How else can you nurture, honor, and love yourself?  You can make a nice dinner and set the table with candles, silver, and your best dishes….just like you would if your lover was coming over.  Oh, don’t forget to put on some music too.  Remember, you are your lover…only you can love yourself like you truly desire to be loved.  If you’re short on money or don’t like to cook, pour yourself a bowl of cereal and set the table as described above.  By the way, you can purchase really pretty dishes, candles, and candlesticks at the dollar store.  Now, to make it really special I’m going to suggest one more step.  I’d like you to consciously bless your food.  Hold your hands over your meal, connect with the highest energy of All That Is and imagine your food being infused and blessed with pure white light.  When you’re done, send out a heartfelt thank you to the Universe.  How’s that for romance?  The blessing is a nice practice to carry out before every meal.

Here’s something else you can do for yourself.  Take a love bath.  Fill the tub with warm water add bubble bath if you have it.  Include rose water or rose scented oil for a wonderful fragrance.  Rose petals are a nice addition too.  Put 4 pieces of rose quartz around the outside corners of your tub, light some candles (preferably pink or white), dim the lights and immerse yourself in the vibration of love.  If you want to amp up the love vibration a bit you can put the rose quartz directly in the tub, but be careful because the rose quartz could scratch it.  Oh…and don’t forget the music!

Last, but definitely not least, call in the Angels!  Ask them to show you love and miracles.  I can feel them as type this, they’re waiting in the wings (no pun intended) for you to call on them.  Don’t worry that they’ll be too busy.  They don’t have the same limitations we do as human beings.

In the end, no matter who is or isn’t in your life, Spirit, or whatever name you call The Highest Energy of All That Is, loves you.  Deeply and completely…and since Spirit lives within you, you can love you too.



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