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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Angelic Forecast for April 2012

Hello beautiful ones.  We have much to say about this month.  As always, spring is a time for new beginnings…for those of you who are moving into autumn, it is also a time of a new beginnings.  It’s time to reap what you’ve sown.  You’ve been working very hard these past months, these past years  actually, and it’s time to step Up and step Into Your True Self and the power that is You.  You have been creating and creating and creating and your magic awaits you.

  For some , this will be easy. You’ve shed your cloak of fear and limitation (or enough of it) to believe and receive this possibility.  For others, you are going to continue to feel the crunch.    The illusion of unworthiness, undeserved-ness, disbelief, and self-loathing is like a weight holding  you down  and it keeps You from seeing the Light that is You.  If you are still living from that space,  April may feel unkind to you.  Rather than feeling it shower you with love in all its forms,  you may feel as the though the sun will never shine again.

 Remember, the choice of how you experience life is yours.  If you choose to believe other people’s lies about you, then you will have a fight on your hands.  If, however, you are able to see through the lies to what is hidden beneath…see the light of the Truth that is within you, you will experience a much more fulfilling, joyous, and expansive month and life.

Now is the time.  This month, this day, and every day.  The wait is over.  While there is always the opportunity for more growth, we are imploring you to begin living from your Truth now.  The ups and downs of life will always be there.  The people who run your governments  and your countries are starting to feel the pressure that the vibration of love can create in  those who operate from fear.   They are, in a sense, fighting back, fighting love.   Are you going to choose to live from a place of fear and constriction like these people, or are you going to live from a place of love and expansion?   Sadness, discord, and disharmony abound.  Yet, it is so much easier to deal with and offset this energy when you are able to see the beauty of life that exists even in the horror.  When you are able to be in the space of love, especially in hard times, you help shift and raise the vibration.  The higher the vibration, the less fear can be fed into the vibration, the more the probability exists for lessening the affects of disharmonious events.

We understand this is not your usual monthly forecast, however, we are in unusual times.  These are times you’ve never experienced before.  We are in a time where you get to write the next chapter.  Now, more than ever is the time begin writing the next chapter from love rather than fear.

New beginnings are upon you.  Embrace them with love, release the fear and remember to ask for help.  We see the great work each and every one of you is doing and acknowledge it.  We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you.

~The Angels~

From Robin:

This month’s message was pretty intense.  The energy was stronger than I usually experience but deeply loving too.  I asked the angels  to suggest some crystals we could benefit from to help carry us through the energy of the month.

Rose Quartz:  This is a stone of love in all it’s forms.  We’re connecting with it to help connect with the love of self and love FROM the Divine.  It also transmutes lower/denser energies to the energy and frequency of love.

Moss Agate:  This is a stone of new beginnings.  It’s a stone that helps you connect with nature (definitely helpful during times of stress).  It helps people to get along and is also a stone of wealth and abundance.

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