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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Angelic Energy Forecast for March 2013

March is upon you.  The time for changeable weather as well as changeable energy.  We suggest you do not get too attached to anything  you have planned for this month.  You will be asked to be very flexible.  This should not be viewed with fear.  The need for flexibility often scares humans, however, when you allow yourself to be so, you usually discover gifts that you never even thought of.

During the first half of the month, you may find yourself to be a little more emotional than usual.  This is okay.  Let yourself be with it.  You are going through a cleansing and an energetic upgrade.  You are being shown more of what no longer serves you, be they emotions, situations, relationships, etc so that you can release them and move forward with a lighter load.  So many of you hang onto things that make your Being heavy and dense which is not your natural state.  Allow for the lightness.  For some, the feeling of lightness is so foreign and uncomfortable that you may create situations to weigh you down again.  We ask that you practice being light, especially if this is a new way of being for you.  Even though it’s your natural state, you’ve moved so far away from it that it doesn’t feel natural and for some it may even feel wrong.  Give it a chance.  Try it on for size.  Take it for a test drive.  We know that once you allow yourself to fully experience it, you will never want to recreate the denseness and heaviness again.

Pain, shame, blame, disappointment, anger….you will be feeling some or all of these emotions this month.  You will be triggered often, especially at the beginning of the month and then to a lesser degree at the end of it.  We want to remind you that these are emotions, feelings…that is all they are.  What they are NOT is YOU.  When you describe an emotion, you have a tendency to make it You without being aware of it.  You say, “I AM angry”.  This is simply not true.  You are not angry.  You are love.  We are love, all is love.  You may be feeling the emotion of anger…but you are not angry.  While you don’t do exactly the same thing with emotions like guilt, (“I feel guilty”), you experience guilt because you feel you didn’t meet another’s expectations of you.  If you examine your feelings of guilt, what you’re really saying is something to the effect of “I AM not good enough”.  Why?  Because you wouldn’t feel guilty if you didn’t think you fell short of someone’s expectations of you.  Remember, things are actualizing faster and faster.  It’s most beneficial for you to be mindful of the vibrations that support your words and thoughts.  The more you “feel guilty”, the more situations you will magnetize that will allow  you to feel “not good enough” or “guilty”.  Allow the feelings, do not get stuck in them.

Please keep in mind that while we speak mainly about what you view as challenges, each month also has it’s moments of peace and joy.  Oftentimes, we choose to share mainly the challenges so that you can begin shifting your energy and your vibration to offset these perceived challenges.  Remember, we are here for you.  We cannot interfere with your free will so if you have need of us, call  upon us.

We send you peace.  We send you love.  We send you joy.  We love you always, in all ways.

With infinite love and joy,

~The Angels~


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