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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Craving Change…

Let me begin by saying neither of the presidential candidates were my choice and I’m not bashing anyone. But my heart is heavy today. It’s heavy because so many people feel they’ve “won” and so many people feel they’ve “lost”. And now, fear is stronger than ever.

This election taught me a lot about people and politics. But mostly it taught me that people were craving change.

A woman becoming president represents change.
A man with no political background represents change.

I’ve been saying all along that change doesn’t always come easy. And it often comes with being uncomfortable.

For the people who wanted a woman for president, this man represents discomfort.
For the people who were sick of politicians, that woman represented discomfort.

No matter who won the election, change would be upon us.
Some people would be happy with results.
Some people wouldn’t.

Sometimes change shows up the way you want it to.
Sometimes it doesn’t.

No matter which candidate won, I have no clue what the future of this country looks like.

Instead, I’m throwing some questions out to the Universe:
Is this the change we’ve been asking for?
What’s the gift in this that we haven’t acknowledged?

And to you (and I) my question is:
And what if the change you are actually seeking starts within?


Much love and abundant blessings,

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