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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Love is….

Love is…..

Having a guy who gets up at 6am on his day off to:

1. Have your coffee waiting for you in your office20160610_200825

2. Make your breakfast AND your lunch

3. Take out the dogs and feed them

4. AND laugh and chat with you while you’re working even though he’d rather be sleeping

I have a relationship like this because I called it in. Because when I wanted to have someone in my life who could support me in the way I needed and wanted to be supported. Someone who could and would continue to grow as I continue to grow. Someone who could be both my best friend and my lover.

A big part of the manifesting process had to do with getting clear on what I was looking for and getting it down on paper.

I see so many people complaining about their relationships or lack thereof and they won’t take go past the minimal amount of work that goes into having one. The same thing goes for jobs, money, and business.

If you want what you say you want….then, for the love of all that’s holy, at least start writing about it and getting clear so you have a better chance of getting it.


30 days of quick journaling exercises and accountability tasks that are designed to keep you on track with your dreams and continually choosing to have what you say you want.

You will get clear on your dreams and the actions required to make them happen.

You’ll discover what’s actually holding you back and how to change it.

Stop procrastinating and learn how to deal with the fears and frustrations that are a normal part of dream creation.

30 days to get clear, take action, and change your life.

Content will be delivered to your inbox every day for 30 days.

Let’s do this and go get your dream.

PS: If you looked at this and said, “but I hate journaling”, then you better re-think your dream. I’m providing you with low-cost, effective way of getting what you want….and if journaling is too much to do, or too hard, then you don’t really want the dream you say you want.

Much love and abundant blessings,

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