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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

I think if there is one gift I could give to you right now, it would be the gift of self-acceptance. The gift of knowing that no matter what’s going on in your life, you can deal fire-1with it.

You see, I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with you….but the problem is, you feel like there is….it may not be in all areas of your life, but it is some.

You might feel like there’s something wrong with you because you have a great life…you have a great job, an awesome husband/lover, plenty of friends and money isn’t an issue….and yet, somewhere deep down inside you’re empty.

The fire that used to burn there, the dreams that used to live there are dead and long forgotten.

And you feel like shit because while you’re grateful for all you have and more, it’s not enough. It’s simply not enough.

Look, I get it. I’ve been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I blew my entire life up into a gorgeous inferno of multi-colored sparkles.

Everything I thought was real, wasn’t. Everything I thought I was-was gone. Everything I believed about life seemed to be bullshit. I felt broken, hollow, desperate and I would have sworn on a stack of bibles that there was something inherently wrong with me….. and believe me, anyone who knew me then would have agreed.

But there wasn’t anything wrong with me. There was something wrong with my dream and the trajectory I chose for my life.

I was living someone else’s life. I was living someone else’s dream.
Getting to the other side wasn’t easy. It was a freaking long process and for a good part of it, it was a painful, lonely, and scary. I didn’t have the support I needed and I didn’t have someone who understood what I was going through.

Had I understood that there wasn’t something inherently wrong with me, that I was just lost and on the wrong road, things would have been so much easier.

Now, I’m not telling you that things wouldn’t have blown up, I have no way of knowing that. What I do know is that I wouldn’t have had to spend so many years buried under a shroud of guilt, shame, loneliness, depression and despair….trying to claw my out and not knowing how.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I want to you to know that you’re not the only one. You may not be experiencing this at the level I went through, and God, I truly hope you’re not.

But if you are experiencing this at any level….it’s okay. Stop resisting it. Stop beating the shit out of yourself.

Now you know.
And now that you know it, you can do something about it.

You know it’s because you’re not following or living your dream.
You’re living the dream you were told you’re supposed to live.

I’ve lived it and I know what it takes to move through life when every day feels like you’re being burned at the stake by the fire of transformation.

I can help you walk through it so you can rise up like a Phoenix and no longer feel lost, alone, and like there’s something wrong with you.

I can help you sift through the ashes and get to the other side so you can live your dream, even if you don’t remember what it is.

I can help you transform the fire so that instead of incinerating your life, it becomes the fire of life burning in your soul.


Much love and abundant blessings,

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