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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

How To Get Things Done When You Don’t Want To

One of the most common questions I get asked is how to do the things you know you need to do but can’t seem to get yourself to do. You know, things like sales calls, meal prep, cleaning the bathroom, etc…

It’s a great question to ask…but what inevitably happens after is where things go very wrong.

You almost always start judging yourself by saying things like, “I’m just being lazy”, “What’s wrong with me? I know it needs to get done.”, “I’m so stupid.”

Here’s the deal…not doing the things you know you need to do is just a habit or pattern. There’s nothing morally or ethically wrong with it. While it’s frustrating, it certainly doesn’t mean there’s something inherently wrong with you. You’re not a bad person. And there’s no reason to beat yourself over it.

When you beat yourself up and judge your habits and patterns it releases a chemical cocktail within your body that actually binds that habit or pattern more tightly and now it’s even harder to change.

The antidote is to interrupt the pattern by saying, “I don’t feel like doing x,y,z but I’m going to do a little bit anyway.”

That means you’re going to chunk the task way down and be ok with not completing it.

What does that look like?

In the case of sales calls, it could look like deciding to make just one call that day…and then deciding that for the next three days you’re going to make one call a day. Then increase it to two calls a day. Once you’re doing that consistently, add more daily calls.

Let’s look at meal prep…start with the easiest aspect. Maybe it’s precutting onions for the evening’s dinner.

And the bathroom gets broken down to one day you sweep, one day you clean the sink, one day you clean the toilet, and so on.

Be okay with not doing things from soup to nuts. Be kind to yourself. You’re in the process of interrupting one pattern or habit and replacing it with a new one and it takes time. For the record, it does not take 21 days to create a new habit. That’s a marketing ploy. It can take years to create a new habit.

If you feel like you could use more help with getting over the “I don’t wannas” so that you can have the financial freedom, inner peace, and happiness you want click here for a complimentary consultation. I’d love to help you out.