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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Daily Angelic Message for 11/2/13

Today’s message is a little different than the usually daily message.  It was actually channeled by my autistic son during David’s (my life partner) workshop last night.  We were discussing healing and what it actually is…while David and I were throwing around a whole bunch of airy fairy words, my son simply said this:

“Healing is something that makes you feel better, stronger, and calmer.”

I absolutely loved that description.  Too many times we equate the need to heal with something being wrong with us.  However, this definition is completely devoid of judgment.  How cool is that?

On a side note, my son has been learning how to work with the angels this past year.  We were even teaching him how to look at oracle cards and get messages.  This can be done even if your kids don’t read yet. I highly recommend teaching your kids how to get guidance from the Angels.  You don’t have to refer to them as Angels. Most kids are comfortable with concepts like Guardian Angels or loved ones who have passed on.  It’s very empowering.

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