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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

The Top 10 Signs You’re Ready for a Revolution

  1. You KNOW for a fact that you are NOT where you have the capability of being.
  2. You have memorized the laws of attraction that you’ve been taught
  3. You try and try and try to manifest the career you want, but end up just short of getting it
  4. You’re always praying that Mr. Right will come along, but always get the frogs that never turn into Prince Charming
  5. People tell you to give up on your dream of the “perfect” (for you) home, life, or relationship
  6. You cringe when people tell you to give up
  7. You feel in your heart that you truly deserve better than what you have
  8. Listening to Abraham Hicks fills you with hope…then leaves you shattered when it “doesn’t work”
  9. Your inbox is overflowing with “manifestation” emails
  10. Nothing has worked…or has it?

    The solution? JOIN THE REVOLUTION and say FUCK IT! I’m having it anyway!

    Because once you say it? THEN you have to learn how to HAVE it.

    And 90 days from when we start, you’ll be able to.

    You will have changed the very way you think and ACT when it comes to living your life.

    Because you absolutely CAN live a happier, richer, fuller life – IF you join the REVOLUTION.