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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Who Inspires You?

Who inspires you?  Is there some public figure that you look up to?  Or maybe it’s a friend, colleague or family member?  I was on a call tonight with the Master Mind group I belong to and had more A-ha! moments than I can count.  One of them had to do with the way I view people who inspire me.  You see, everyone in this group inspires me, especially the two amazing women who put this year long program together.

Now, normally we say it’s a good thing when we have people in our lives who inspire us, right?  I mean, really…these people show us what is possible.  They often show us innovative ways of doing things that help us to get out of our boxes…and their strength gives up hope.  

That’s all great stuff, right?  Well, it could be…unless you are comparing yourself to the people who inspire you.  That was one of my big A-ha’s tonight.  I’ve been in business way longer than both my mentors and from a financial standpoint, my business is nowhere as successful as their’s are and that’s what I caught myself focusing on.  Instead of celebrating myself for having the courage to say Yes to these women, my fellow mastermind members, and this year long program that’s specifically designed to help us grown our businesses and create our lives.

I was making me wrong for not having the results I wanted in the time frame I wanted them.  Oh boy, I know better than that…and then I started judging myself for not catching onto it before now….and then I started judging myself for judging myself….and so on and so on…..somewhere during that mind f**k, I caught onto the comparison thing and started laughing at myself.

Which brings me to my next point….what if we allowed ourselves to be our own inspiration?  I’m not saying to give up on being inspired by people outside of us, but what if we could see, recognize, and celebrate all the amazing stuff that we have done?   People tell me I inspire them all the time…and me?  Well, I just see me doing what it takes to create the life I want.  No big deal…LOL

So, to challenge myself, tonight I went on Facebook publicly celebrated and acknowledged me and the hard work that I have done so far with my weight loss cleanse.  This was huge for me…first of all, I’m not used to celebrating me, much less publicly…and second, there have been quite a few comments from well meaning friends who urged me to “be careful” and try “eating sensibly” and  I didn’t want them to think I was calling them out.  

This is my celebration of me and what I have accomplished with this cleanse so far:

“I am taking a moment to publicly celebrate me. I’m halfway through the the strictest phase of my weight loss cleanse and even though it’s been hell, I have stuck with it. My rewards?

I can bend down to tie my shoes….and get back up.

I have rediscovered my ankles and can wear my really cute ankle bracelets again.

On the subject of ankles, I am now able to wear ankle boots that were not purchased from a Plus Size store.

I’ve also rediscovered my wrists and can wear bracelets that were not purchased from Plus Size stores again.

My loud snoring is now a quiet snuffle and I don’t wake up choking in the middle of the night.

I now wake up with mostly clear sinuses.

To those of you who have been concerned about my health while being on this cleanse, please know I am being monitored while on it.

I thank you for your thoughts and ask you to trust me to follow my guidance and know what my body requires in the moment.

And know that I am unwilling to trade the health concerns that go hand and hand with obesity with the health concerns that go hand in hand with unsafe weight loss practices.

Even though I still have a long way to go, I am celebrating that this is most progress that I had in creating a smaller-healthier body in almost 30 years and I am damn proud of it.

And to you, David Rosenhaus, I cannot thank you enough for standing by my side, holding my hand, listening to me cry, and putting up with my moods as I move through this shit….and all the while you’re doing the cleanse too. You truly are amazing man and I am so lucky to have you in my life….you always tell me I conjured you…well, dammit, I’m celebrating that too. I did good! “

My challenge to you is to publicly celebrate yourself.  Be your own inspiration.  Allow others to inspire you without comparing yourself to them.  And do it without being worried about bragging.  Bragging is underrated. 

My invitation to you is to join me for the next I Want My Sexy Back Telecall Series starting November 10.  What does getting your sexy back have to do with being an inspiration, losing weight, and celebrating yourself?

Sexy isn’t only about sex….it’s the energy of creation…and if you want to create the life you want to live, then you need to be able to connect to your sexy.

Are you ready to jump in, take control, and start creating your life, your money flows, your sex, and your relationship? What would your life look like 6 months from now if you did?




Much love and abundant blessings,



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