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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Manifesting Experiment

Manifestation Grid-edited

See that crazy mess of crystals? That’s beginning of a manifestation experiment. I’ve got a super simple process for manifesting, but it’s fun to push the envelope sometimes.  So, I created this grid to see if it makes things go faster.

Here’s what the crystals are and why I chose them.

On the left, the four crystals surrounding the clear piece in the middle are moldavite.  I call moldavite a “don’t mess with me” crystal because it means business. It supports really fast transformation…but I have to warn you, the transformation doesn’t always look pretty. As a matter of fact, it usually looks pretty ugly.  Why? Because moldavite is a heart crystal and really gets to the heart of the matter.

I’m using it here to show me the truth and clarity of what I want and why it’s not here yet…AND…to help me transform whatever that is quick.

The clear crystals in this grid are Herkimer diamonds. Herkimer diamonds amplify the power of the surrounding crystals.  It will also help you to attune to your situation or environment. In this case, it’s purpose is to attune (or align) me with what I’m manifesting. On top of that, it also aids in removing blocks allowing for a clear pathway to your desires.

The light brownish clear crystal in the top right center of the photo is a natural citrine. Citrine is a stone of manifestation. It’s also a stone of happiness and personal power. The more joy you have, the easier it is to manifest. That doesn’t mean you can’t manifest if you’re not happy…being happy just makes it easier. And the personal power helps you to take the physical world steps necessary to actualize your dreams.

The dark stone in the center-right and the other dark stone diagonally and to the left are garnets. Garnets are grounding stones. Remember, you’re manifesting into the physical world so you want something that represents being grounded on the earth.

Garnet is also a stone of passion, creativity, purification, charisma, and love.  This crystal is intense so it also helps you to have the drive you need to stay the course.

The two orangish stones are spessartite (darker) and hessonite (lighter) garnets.
Spessartite garnet is a powerful stone for manifestation. It also supports creativity and commitment.

Hessonite garnet attracts good fortune, aids in business success, and also supports passion and creativity.

And finally, the two tiny stones are yellow apatite. This is a stone of positivity and goal achievement.  It’s a stone of courage–especially when starting something new. Plus, it provides support in business, especially if that business is one where you are making a living from your passions.  It also helps one to feel more confident.

I haven’t decided what it is I want to manifest yet with this grid and I still may tweak it (my Lemurians are calling), but it’s too fun not to share.

PS: most of these crystals have a pretty high energy and can make some people anxious. If you are like me and like to do things over the top, keep that in mind if you decide to recreate this grid.

What are some of your favorite crystals for manifestation?

Big love,



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