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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

Go Get Your Dream

Look, the fact of the matter is not everyone is going to be supportive of your dreams. Some golden-trees-watermarkpeople are going to tell you you’re nuts…and maybe you are. Some people are going to tell you can’t….and maybe they’re right. Some people are going to be downright mean…and your feelings are going to get hurt.

You’re probably gonna feel like shit. You may even feel like a loser. You may feel like it’s time to give up.

But here’s the deal. Some dreams can’t be given up. They’re too deeply embedded in your soul. And without them, you feel like you might wither away and die.

These are your dreams. They do not belong to the people who don’t understand them. They don’t belong to the people who don’t support them.

If you have soul-searing dreams…..why the hell would let other people’s opinions matter? Why would you let them affect your ability and desire to keep taking action towards them?

No one else needs to understand your dream but you. Don’t let the non-believers take your dreams away. Your dreams are not their business.

Get up and get out there like the Powerful Freaking Goddess you are and go get your dream!

Much love and abundant blessings,


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