Mothers, Men, & Money

May 11, 2017Spirituality

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Let’s talk mothers, men, and money.

It’s pretty wild when you think about it, but the fact of the matter is we, as daughters, absorb our mother’s experiences before we’re even born.  And no, that’s not new age mumbo jumbo.  Those are real scientific facts.  (Check out “The Female Brain” by Louann Brizendine M.D. for the nitty gritty details).

So think about it.  Your brain is a complete blank slate when you’re growing in your momma’s belly.  And your mother’s adult experiences are getting imprinted on this brand new brain that has no experience in the world outside of your safe, little cocoon within her.  Those experiences begin creating neural pathways that may or may not be supportive of your future happiness.  And, they are creating the foundation for your perception of your life.

Those experiences begin creating neural pathways that may or may not be supportive of your future happiness.  And, they are creating the foundation for your perception of your life.

My mom has been gone for around 12 years now so I couldn’t really ask her about what went on during the time she was pregnant with me.  My dad (who is not my birth dad) was able to shed some light on that time.

My birth father traveled for months at a time so she went through a good part of her pregnancy alone.  Besides that, there were some crazy money issues in her world.  The more I discovered about that time, the more I understood me, my money, and the men I’ve been attracted to.

I have done a lot of work to clear that bullshit and I’m happy to say that I’m no longer repeating my version of my mother’s life anymore.  Can I get an Amen?

Sit down with your mom today and see if you can find out about any of her life experiences from pregnancy until you were around 2 or so.  If you can’t talk to your mom, see if there is anyone else in your life who can shed some light on that time of your lives.  Then, spend some time journaling about it and see what shows up for up you.

Much love and abundant blessings,
