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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

And So It Begins…

If there’s one thing that I try to get across to my clients, it’s that you always have choice.  Sometimes the choices don’t feel like choices, but they’re always there.  I had to remind myself of that these past couple of weeks when the thought of writing my weekly email felt heavy.  So many of you have written to tell me how much it inspires you that I really had to sit back make a conscious choice as to whether or not I was going to write.  Obviously, I chose not to write.  The world didn’t fall apart and it gave me space to continue going through what I was going through.

I’ve been in a little bit of a funk for the past couple of weeks as I was moving through fears, choices, experiences, and a bunch of stuff that just felt heavy and not fun.  I’ve also been observing what’s been showing up in the world.  One thing that I’ve noticed is there have been quite a few deaths….some people I knew personally, some were public figures, and others were friends or relatives of people I know. 

With each of the deaths, I heard the same message, “Life is short.  Choose what you want to choose.  Do what you want to do.”  It got me to thinking about how much we do out of obligation…how much we do based on other people’s expectations, and how much we don’t do based on fear. 

So, I have chosen to become even more conscious of my choices and the energy underlying my choices.  For example, an opportunity showed up in my life that threw me into a total state of panic.  It hits on so many of my pain points that it’s ridiculous.  My first response was to say NO.  Then, I realized that the NO wasn’t a real no.  It was my fear speaking and I was judging my response.  In that moment, I chose to do what it took to get out of judgment of my response and really look at what I did and didn’t want.  I’m not going to say it was easy, but I asked for asked for help and the help showed up with ease. 

I was able to really look at the opportunity from a space of non-judgment and see what came up.  Now, in these 10 seconds, my choice is still a No, however, by taking the time to choose from choice instead of fear, I discovered options that I didn’t even realize existed and my whole world expanded.  How does it get any better than that?

I’m choosing to do a bunch of things that scare me, but I know that they’ll expand my world even more.  I’m continually reminding myself to stay out of conclusion and not put a face on what that expansion will look like and reminding myself that I have the power to choose or not choose as often and as much as I want.

One of things I’ve chosen is to a weight loss cleanse.  I’ve always tried diets but never a cleanse, plus this particular one includes acupressure and reflexology.  One of the choices that I’ve made to support this choice is to create a personalized Reclamation of Power meditation which focuses on the lifetimes my weight and/or body size were an issue as well as reclaiming my power from all the diets, eating plans, etc that I’ve tried and both succeeded at and failed throughout my lifetimes. 

I’m also going to implement continuous conscious choice into the cleanse.  When I have tried other weight loss options, I was unaware of things like choice, nonjudgment, and staying out of conclusion.  So, each time I feel hungry or simply want to eat, I’m going to look at the energy of it and choose from there.  These are just some examples of questions that help me to stay in choice instead of no choice:

  • Is the energy of eating in this moment resonant with the energy of my target of staying on plan and reaching a healthy weight?
  • Is it my desire to be in resonance with reaching a healthy weight in this 10 seconds?
  • What is my actual choice in these 10 seconds? Is it to be in resonance with reaching a healthy weight or not?
  • Do I want to eat food that will keep me aligned with my target? Or do I want something different?
  • Do I want to be in resonance with my target but require support? Do I not want to be in resonance with my target but require support?
  • What else can I choose?
  • Am I judging my choice?
  • Am I judging me?
  • Am I going into conclusion?
  • Am I looking to the past to make my current choice?
  • Am I looking to the future to make my current choice?
  • What else is possible here?

The number of questions are infinite, just as the number of possibilities are infinite.

My question to you, is where are you limiting yourself because you’re not asking questions and getting really clear about what you actually do and don’t want?  Where are you choosing from obligation instead of choice?  Where are you choosing from fear instead of choice?  Where are you choosing from lack instead of choice?  Where are you choosing from conclusion or assumption instead of choice?  And what would your life look like if you actually chose from a space of choice all the time?

If you require help with getting to the space of choice, you could choose a free 30 minute Possibilities Session with me to discover what it would require for you to be able to choose from choice.  If that sounds like fun to you, email me at: and we’ll schedule an appointment.  If it doesn’t, what else is possible that you haven’t considered?

Have a great week. 

Much love and abundant blessings,
