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The Daily Clearing

The Clearing You Didn’t KnowYou Needed

This  3:42 clearing covers everything you need to get things running smoothly so you can get back to what you do best.

YOU are not the source of your wealth and abundance.

YOU are not the source of your wealth and abundance.  Neither is anyone or anything else and that includes your businesses or jobs. The Divine (God, if that works for you) is the dollarsource of all abundance. Everything you want already exists. The people in your life, your job, your business, etc is simply the vehicle through which abundance can be delivered. Your job is to decide what you want, get aligned with it, and say YES to it when it shows up.
The other day  I did a 50-minute Facebook  Live for healing and clearing blocks to prosperity in my group Spiritual Perfectionists Anonymous?
It was off-the-charts fantastic.  I can’t even tell you how many people who after watching it have reported back telling me about how projects that were dead in the water have life again, about how they started taking actions on things that they’ve previously been too scared to act on, and about how they’ve gained a new-found sense of confidence….do you want some of that?

We turned the video into a downloadable audio for you to listen to whenever you want.

Do you want a copy of the free Healing & Clearing Blocks to Prosperity recording?  Click the pretty pink YES button to get it.

After you download and listen, reply to this email and tell me about your prosperity miracle.

And don’t forget to spread the wealth and share this blog with your friends so they can get heal their blocks to prosperity too.

Much love and abundant blessings,


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